I am over 40, so what !!!!! Does age matter?

Forty years old, 50, and older does age matter? It matters a lot! Because it is the perfect age to continue offering the best of each of us. Many call it the new 30. I like to say: My best age is now

It is easy to feel intimidated by a society that asks and demands that we be and look 20 years old all our lives, institutions that classify you as elderly—why elderly? And they don’t call you because of your age, that perfect age you are today, which period allows you to continue giving and offering the best of yourself. As Carolina Herrera, a famous Venezuelan fashion designer says:ion designer says:

“…age is something you carry in your head, in your emotions, and it should not be a stereotype. I always say it. Age means nothing when there are things you’re passionate about. “

How often have we seen or been part of a group of professionals who, from 45-55 or older, were dismissed because they were too old to lead transformations or who had to give way to the youngest? Let’s be precise when it is not a matter of giving way but of taking advantage of the best of each stage; at 45-55 years of age, you are in the fullness of professional performance.

So, what are we not against? Established paradigms, social barriers around age, that only we can break down.

I ask you the following questions:

1. Are you waiting for the opportunity of your life, and it just hasn’t arrived?

2. I reached 40 or more, and they no longer call me for a job?

3. I am a woman, and I am over 40. Now what?

4. Do you have a fantastic idea and need to learn how to sell it?

5. Are you dissatisfied with your current job but afraid of change?

6. Your project is powerful, but you need to reach the hearts of your clients.

7. Have you lost your job, or are you about to lose it and don’t know what to do to find another because of your age?

If you identified with any of these questions, then I invite you to continue reading:

• Opportunities never come alone because luck, good or bad, although it may seem like a paradox- is not the product of gambling.

• We are the only ones responsible for what happens to us. We can change the course of events; this is our real moment, our opportunity.

• We can go from being passive observers to the protagonists of our story and write it for our benefit and that of the people around us.

A few more suggestions: Recognize your brand and that of your business, identify a market niche, get out of excess, and find your space where being more productive, creative, and authentic is possible!

Where do I begin? Calm down; the first step is to recognize yourself and your value and that your journey in this life will allow you to land that idea, that project, business, or niche.

What is a market niche? Although I will explain this point in greater depth later, a market niche is a group of people or companies that share a series of similar characteristics that are not

covered by any product or service in the market. A portion of the market has similar needs or desires yet to be attended to. In other words, it is an excellent OPPORTUNITY.

What about my personal brand?

First, let’s look at a bit of history. The current concept of the personal brand was devised by Jeff Bezos, founder, and executive director of Amazon, at the end of the 90s in the US and quickly spread throughout Europe due to the need to differentiate them in a market in which there is an excess of professionals.

“A personal brand is what they say about a person when they are not in front of them” – Jeff Bezos.

If we are looking for a concept, we can summarize it as Personal brand is the mark we leave of ourselves on others. Its management process is personal branding, which defines three stages: Self-awareness, personal strategy, and visibility.

Your personal brand includes a combination of skills and life experiences that make you unique, highlighting what you stand for and differentiating you from others in your field. As Guillem Recolons says, “Everything leaves a mark, and us more than anything.”ything”

In this brief reflection, we have walked through three great realities; the faster we identify them, the faster we overcome them.

1. Does age matter?

2. Trust yourself; you have everything you need to succeed.

3. Brand and Market Niche. Topics that we will address in greater depth in future installments

Tell me age matters to you. Do you want to share an experience? Ï will read your thoughts below.

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