The Power to Reinvent Yourself in 7 steps.

This subject has caused some rejection, since many people have decided to say: “It’s time to reinvent yourself”, but what does reinvent yourself mean? According to Wikipedia: Pronominal verb. Completely redo a person’s life, especially in the workplace.

So what does it mean to reinvent yourself?

Reinventing yourself does not mean changing who you are, but changing your way of being and being in the world. To do this, one has to leave their comfort zone, their known and familiar environment. This generates intense fear in people and often great anguish.

Knowing this, why reinvent yourself? Why is it the buzzword? Should I reinvent myself?

Reinventing yourself in everyday life is a wonderful investment that drives us to achieve a long-awaited goal: achieving personal and/or work happiness. To do this, what you have to do is change your attitude when facing daily difficulties. You must learn to take advantage of opportunities even in bad times.

How easy it is to say or write it, but how difficult it is to go through it. All change requires effort, dedication, focus, however going through a process of change or reinvention does not have to be heartbreaking… let’s learn to live the process with passion, acceptance and to the full.

Reinvention… I would like to tell you that it is automatic, but no, it is a process that, depending on ourselves, we will enjoy and achieve or give up.

How do we successfully reinvent ourselves personally or professionally? I summarize it in 7 steps:

  1. The first thing we must keep in mind is to identify the change we want to create and commit to completing each step necessary for this change to originate.
  2. Discover your talent: Your talent acts as a catalyst in the reinvention process, so you can imagine how important it is.
  3. Talent is an inseparable part of you, so it is within you, and that is where you have to look.

    To help you achieve it, I will tell you that there are 3 areas  you have to explore to find it and it helped me in particular:

    a) The first is related to your natural gifts and personal traits. The nature of your talent lies in what you are good at, or what you are best at. Therefore it is essential to do introspection work to analyze in detail your temperament and personality.

    b) The second of these areas is passion. To develop and live from a talent you need perseverance, and if your reasons are not based on your personal interests, you will end up getting tired. Passion is that engine that will give you the necessary energy to fully develop your talent.

    c) The third is related to your experience. Undeveloped talent is useless, and it is experience that will allow you to give it  its true value. If you don’t develop it, you will hardly be able to make a living from it.

  4. Establish an effective action plan for your needs. In this plan we will enumerate the stages of the transformative process, from the beginning to the end. We can delimit the plan through our own questions such as:
  5. a) What do I need to do to comply with the change?

    b) How am I going to achieve the proposed goals?

    c ) Or, which habits should I develop and which ones should I abandon?

  6. Difference between your zone of control and your zone of influence, which seem the same, but are not, according to Stephen Covey in his book “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People:
  7. a) Control zone: it is the inner circle formed by our thoughts, attitudes and decisions. It is the sphere in which we do have the capacity to effect change. It is the circle in which you can do something, you can take action, you can decide what to do, what not to do.

    b) Zone of influence: it is the outer circle, on which we can influence, but we do not have the power to modify anything. It is the circle where those aspects or those circumstances in which you have no movement are found. You can’t do anything there. Example: It is the case that you have a loss: someone has died or someone leaves.

    Now, identify what things you can change and act on them. And what do you do with the ones you can’t change? Modify your attitude, for which you first have to be aware. But becoming aware is not an easy path, unless you have some kind of help. For this, I recommend that you practice meditation if you don’t already; meditation is a great tool, with which, I hope, it could happen to you like it did to me; as soon as you try it, you will include them in your daily routine.

  8.  Don’t victimize yourself: stop complaining about everything. I ask you: what is the use of complaining so much? For nothing. At best, to increase your frustration and continue blaming the world for your ills, the possibility of reinventing yourself is far from complaining.
  9. Victimism and complaint only serve to consume your energy, when you complain about the noises outside, when you judge the other for what they have done, when you criticize or gossip about other people. When you blame others for what happens to you, you are leaving your true happiness in the hands of others, because everything depends on what others do. Constantly complaining is one of the biggest mistakes that is made and the biggest excuse to avoid getting out of the chaos and to be able to really reinvent yourself.

    What do I want to tell you with this?

    Stop thinking that the problem is with your boss, the company or the world. The problem is not outside. It is in you and only in you. Therefore, the first step to find a different path, that you are passionate about, to achieve the longed-for reinvention is to stop complaining and take responsibility for your own life.

  10. Dare to dream: Do not limit yourself, write down your ideas, do not let them pass, visualize, see yourself already in a different life doing what you love, let that desire for change and reinvention act in you, which support and help each other mutually. Thus:
  11. a) Think big.

    b) Be ambitious.

    c) Order your priorities.

    d) Dare to pursue your dream.

  12.  Activate. Don’t get paralyzed… flap your wings and start moving now and living the life you dream of and deserve. Believe it! You can transform your life and for me it would be an honor to serve you through a plan that will mark a before and after.

Your wings already exist…all you have to do is fly!

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